Welcome to Recovery

You can recover from addiction, and we are here to help.
A list of important goals for your first year of recovery. Use it as a reminder and to help you stay on track in the days and months ahead.
•    Accept that you have an addiction.
•    Practice honesty in your life.
•    Learn to avoid high-risk situations.
•    Learn to ask for help.
•    Practice calling friends before you have cravings.
•    Become actively involved in self-help recovery groups.
•    Go to discussion meetings and begin to share. You are not alone.
•    Get a sponsor and do step work.
•    Get rid of using friends.
•    Make time for you and your recovery.
•    Celebrate your small victories. Recovery is about progress not perfection.
•    Practice saying no.
•    Take better care of yourself.
•    Develop healthy eating and sleeping habits.
•    Learn how to relax and let go of stress.
•    Discover how to have fun clean and sober.
•    Make new recovery friends and bring them into your life.
•    Re-evaluate your lifestyle periodically to make sure you remain on track.
•    Deal with cravings by thinking about what will happen if you start?
•    Find ways to distract yourself when you have cravings.
•    Physical activity helps many aspects of recovery.
•    Deal with post-acute withdrawal symptoms.
•    Develop strategies for social environments where drinking is involved.
•    Keep a gratitude list of your recovery, your life, and the people in it.
•    Say goodbye to your addiction.
•    Develop tolerance and compassion for others and for yourself.
•    Begin to give back and help others once you have a solid recovery.
•    See yourself as a non-user.

Do you or a loved one need help? 

Recovery Stories and Resources

Continuum of Care Family Support
