052 7441166
How to Refer

How do I get into treatment?

We Do Recovery
Someone I love needs help.
My client or patient needs help.

I need help

It's a lonely and desperate time when you are in need of help for addiction - whether it is for yourself or for someone you love.
The first thing to do is contact us on 052 7441166 or email info@aiseiri.ie.
You will be connected with the best person who can help you. We will talk about how you can be referred to our service and what do next.
Making that first call is very challenging, remember we have supported thousands of people in your position and we can help you, there is hope - it starts by reaching out.
Contact Aiséirí

it starts with reaching out.

We know that making that first call to us is so difficult, but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, we really urge you to get in touch. You will be greeted with dignity and respect and all queries are confidential.

I need help.


You will need a referral to get into treatment.

Making a referral to Aiséirí is simple, quick and completely confidential. A referral may be made by any concerned person or you can self refer.

Once a referral is made, we will be in touch to offer you an assessment date. This is where you come to our Centre and we talk through your situation to determine if treatment is the right place for you at this time.

How to Refer.

  • You can do a self referral. Fill out the form on this page or contact us and we can talk you through it.

  • If you are a loved one or family member. Contact is to talk through the referral options or complete the referral form and send it to us.
  • If you are linked with services such as Probation or your local Substance Misuse team, they may refer you and possibly, they may be able to provide funding for your treatment.
  • If you are a GP and want to refer a patient, we would advise that you give your patient our details and encourage them to contact us directly. Or you can complete the online referral form and email it to us.
  • If you are a referring agency such as Tusla, HSE or Probation. Please fill out the referral form below and send it on to us.
Fill out the form below and our team will be in touch.
Referral Form
Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Choose which location you want information on:
I am looking for help for:
I consent to Aiseiri collecting and storing my details via this form
If you would like, you can download the referral form here and email it to info@aiseiri.ie
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