052 7441166
Support after Residential Treatment

Recovery Support Programme

We Do Recovery
Community based

Recovery Support Programme

Leaving residential treatment and beginning your recovery journey outside of the treatment setting can be a challenging experience. Whilst the recovery process offers renewed hope and opportunities to enjoy life, we also recognise that, in the early days of recovery from addiction, many people struggle to implement and maintain the required life changes. It is vitally important to take care of your sobriety in these early days. As life’s challenges will surely continue, so does the support offered by Aiséirí.

Our Recovery Support Programme is an integral component within our Treatment and Recovery Plan, enabling clients to build on the Recovery platform established during 28-day Residential Treatment.

Recovery Support is a two-year programme, which, as the name suggests, builds on the foundations established during Residential Treatment. The programme is run on a weekly basis, grounded in peer support and managed by two fully trained Aiséirí Facilitators. The Aiséirí hybrid model ensures access to all clients and family members. The longer you access this support, the more likely you are to maintain and sustain your recovery, and enjoy living a meaningful life.

Over the course of two years, you will be given the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence to manage life’s challenges, you will be challenged, you will be supported and you provide support to others. Peer support, sharing and feedback is an integral part of the recovery process.

Recovery Support Groups are based in communities all accross Ireland and also run online. The groups are facilitated by volunteer facilitators who are trained and supported by the Aiséirí team.


Admissions in 2022




Volunteer Facilitators
An Important Part of

The Treatment Journey

The longer you access support the more likely you are to maintain a healthy recovery long term.

As well as the weekly group for those in recovery we also have the following groups:


Not everyone who completes residential treatment will remain in full recovery. A characteristic of the illness of addiction is that relapse can happen. Should someone experience relapse, we offer support via a Recovery Group which is tailored to support you whilst you work towards being alcohol, drug and gamble free again. On joining a Recovery Group, the primary objective is re-establishing an abstinence base, from which a person can re-join the mainstream Recovery Support Program.

The Family Illness

The chaos of addiction brings heart-breaking consequences to everyone connected within the family unit (and beyond). Addiction is a whole family disease. We involve family members in Family Processing Days every Wednesday, whilst their loved one is in residential treatment in Aiséirí. This provides a platform to help educate family members about the illness of addiction and how it applies to them, and also commence the recovery process for themselves.

Concerned Persons Group

Aiséirí recognises the fact that recovery from addiction is possible for all family members. As part of our broader Recovery Support Programme, we provide a weekly Concerned Persons Group for family members to offer a space for healing and recovery. This programme operates from the mantra that ‘each family member has the capacity to recover irrespective as to the recovery status of the addict’. Some of the themes and topics we explore include: Recovery is a Family Affair, Family Relapse, Programme of Recovery – The Twelve Steps, Detachment, Boundaries, Enabling, Communication.

The Treatment Journey

graph depicting treatment journey

Do you have any question?

Everyone who completes residential treatment are referred to the Recovery Support Programme. It is an essential component of the treatment journey.

Everyone who completes residential treatment is referred.

Both - there is a seperate group for young people who have completed treatment. 

The groups are peer led. The facilitators are very well trained by Aiséirí in collaboration with ICHAS. 

The groups take place in local communities all across Ireland. In some areas, they remain online,

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